Ah Njoe Tjoeb CD player

The Njoe Tjoeb looks great at $579...but what do you think about not using a preamp? It has volume out, which Upscale Audio calls a "convenience". It appears that the total output voltage can be adjusted on the board, so the leve can be kept towards the top.

I want to get a better amp for now, preamp later. Also looking for tube chnaging feedback.
In regards to feedback on on tube swapping, I put a vote in for the Amperex Bugle Boy 6922/E88CC's. I tried the stock tubes and the Siemens 7308's that Upscale Audio recommends. I find that the Amperex has more midrange warmth than either. Of course, I am running a system with a Solid State Amp so additional warmth is a priority for me. If you have sufficient warmth (existing tube Amp) and are looking for a tighter bass, I think the Siemens would work well. In either case, I would recommend trying something in addition to the stock tubes.

One little thing that has really helped out is the inclusion of the CD remote. It fits my hand perfectly and it has allowed me to skip purchasing an expensive optional ($500) remote with my pre-amp.

The only thing I can think of that would improve on the current edition is the removal of the Marantz CD4000 face plate and add a custom AH! one. I know it is kind of shallow, but it looks kind of funny having all high end gear along with a marantz CD player. You are constantly saying "No, its a tube Mod - really!".
And folks will be able to get them no charge. The lead time on getting these made will be a bit, and on our webpage www.upscaleaudio.com it will give you instructions on how to get one. PLEASE don't start e-mailing me for info! Tjoeb owners are a bit ...uh....enthusiastic. Just figure it will take 90 days or so.

Interesting stats: We have had over 20 Ah! Tjoeb 99 owners buy Njoe Tjoebs. About half kept their old players because they like them so much.

I am in London now, heading to France scouring for vintage tubes. Wish me luck. I then meet with Herman, the owner of the Ah! Tjoeb factory, about new projects. He always has something going.

Thanks for the support....Kevin Deal
I want a player with good drive as I may sometimes pull out my preamp and use the volume control of the Tjoeb OR a passive linestage during some experimenting

Any thoughts?