Is there a SS amp that can offer tube bliss?

I currently own a tube system and love the sound. But honestly I'm not sure if I have the proper disposition for this tube thing. I cannot stand the constant worry over tube wear, looking around for NOS tubes, and wondering if maybe...just maybe my system will sound better if I spend still more money on different tubes. I would love to find a SS amp that will give me what my tube gear does and rid me of the worry about maintenance and the discontent inherent in tube upgrading. I've heard the Clayton M100s are wonderful and offer a "tube" sound. Any other SS amps to replace tubes? Any advice is most welcome.
Thank you.
Hmmm...I notice above that we again have the idea floated here that tube amps need 15 minutes to warm up, as if that were a relative disadvantage. Solid-state amps, in my - and many others' - experience, commonly need in the area of up to 8X that warm-up period or more in order to give of their best. Of course, since transistors for practical purposes don't wear out as opposed to tubes, many SS owners leave their amps always-on, but that option can be less attractive if the amp is biased heavily into class-A, or lacks a standby switch.

Anyway, I suspect the honest answer is "no", but there are probably some that offer transistor bliss...The real question may be: Is that bliss just as blissful? :-)
The Bow Technologies Wazoo is a solid state design specially engineered to produce a tube-like sonic signature.
What is the "tube sound" anyway. What I remember is a faint hissing, and then a soothing hum when the volume is turned up.:)