Any advice on CD player upgrade?

I am looking to upgrade my CD player. My system is as follows: Bryston 3b-St Power Amp, Bryston BP20 Preamp, B&W Nautilus 805 Speakers, Arcam Alpha 7 CD Player. Cables are Kimber KCAG Balaned Interconnect (preamp-poweramp), Kimber PJB (CD to Pre), and Stealth PC Premier speaker cables. I think the CD Player is clearly the weak component, but would also consider getting a second 3b-st for bi-amping. I'm looking at the following contenders (used if I can :-)): Linn Ikemi, BAT, Sonic Frontiers SFCD, Meridian 508-24, Naim CDX, Wadia 830 or 850. Let me know if any of you have recommendations here. Thanks!! John.
Take a look at a YBA CD player. They use a patented Blue Laser technology that is getting really good reveiws.
Have you considered upgrading your player to an Arcam 9? It includes the Ring DAC, and is regarded to be stellar. As the cost to you would be only the difference between the two players, cost would be MUCH less than anything else you would consider. I have heard an Arcam 9, and thought it to be very good.
something must have drawn you to the Arcam 7 in the first place??? Another 2 choices might be the Arcam Alpha 9 or upgrade yours to the 9 or for around $500 more than a new 9 you could look at the FMJ-23 which has been getting good reviews.