Philips CD-80-a good deal?

I found a used (9 years old) Philips CD-80 for $345. I like this unit, but realize there are other units on the used market that are newer and cheaper. Is this unit worth the $$ or should I consider other used units which cost less, sound better, etc.
I had a Philips CD60 for use in the office w/ Senheiser 545. It's nice but technology has certainly changed since then! A good bet would be a decent DVD player with a 24/96 D/A. I just bought a Panasonic A310 and found it to be much more detailed, transparent, and dynamic vs. my Philips.
Agree with Ke1, the lastest quality CD and DVD/CD players have 20dB better S/N (that's 100 times less noise) and cost between $300 and $700. The CD-80's chipset was one of the best in it's day, but probably even your car's factory-installed CD player has a far superior D/A converter. Besides, the analog output buffer of the CD-80 was not the same quality as the transport or the D/A chipset, hence the high distortion figures.
Pioneer 414 DVD/CD player is cheap and good (and better than the Philips CD-80.