Audioquest Diamondbacks -- HELP --

Hey, all.

I just bought the subject IC's for my WHOLE system (4 pairs). I did this based on reviews I had read at I was originally interested in buying the Corals (I think) but went for these because several had noted a preference for these over the more expensive Corals or Vipers.

My system is now VERY bright. I HATE a bright sounding system, this is just too much. How long do I give them to burn in before I give up on them?

I was previously using Rubys (IMO best bang for the $ in cables) and still have a couple pairs that I could mix back into the system. Should I give the Diamondbacks more time? I've got about 40 hrs. on them.

If you think you can help but need more info about the system, please don't hesitate to ask for a longer explanation. Thanks, March
Hi March; I'd give them 80-100 hrs. But successful matching of ICs to system really is a "system dependent" thing. If you like your old ICs, go from there. I would suggest going through the Cable Co. so you can audition many different ICs. The Cable Co. guys are also very knowledgeable and can make suggestions as to where to start. If you made a mistake, it was buying on others recommendations without auditioning yourself-- been there myself. Short term, be patient, long term audition other ICs and be patient. Good Luck. Craig.
You do need to give them longer to burn in, but after 40 hours they should have tamed down a bit. I think STang500 thinks you have Diamond interconnects--which were Audioquest (truth) top of the line before the new line. The Diamondbacks are a more modest cable--I hate that they named the two so similar. I almost bought a pair of diamondbacks--thinking I was getting Diamonds.
Thanks, guys. As I write this, things have started to mellow a lot. I was concerned there for a while becuase I've never had cables start out sound so freaking bright before. My system is a Cary SLI-80 & CD-303, Nakamichi MB-8 for shuffle play duties, Silverline SR-15's and Soliloquy S10 sub. Speaker cables are bi-wired DH Labs Q-10's terminated in Audioquest silver bananas and spades and the IC's are all Diamondbacks. With all those tubes in the 80 one wouldn't expect it to be bright. It was scary for a while there. Any suggestions now that you have a better idea of what I'm dealing with? Thanks, March