Power Cord For Audio Research gear

Hi folks........I just purchased an Audio Research LS25 and PH3 SE......any suggestions from you all as to the best power cord for them????

onterio - I'm not claiming to be an expert on much. I know there are many here who know much more than I about many aspects of audio. I have only commenting on simple things - line cords, arrows on IC's, outlets, cable conditioners. Items that cause the engineers that design the gear everyone uses to break out in howls of laughter.
I have talked to enginers about power cords and speaker cable and they too are as puzzled as the rest of us about the differences that can be heard from idosyncrisesof each particular item!!!!!!!
P.S. u never did list your system for us all
Good listening stevemj
Steve, the issue is done. I know what I hear and I know I like it. Case closed. Apparantly you just want a debate. I have an idea...... Lets debate SOMETHING ELSE. Maybe some other gear you like? Even if you don't have any gear just make it up. The folks that also have that brand of equipment will at least agree with you there and maybe you can win them over to the dark side then? I thought you knew all about this psychology thing?
No money - With only the tiniest bit of knowledge about electricity you could understand the impossibility of what you have claimed. This would make you a smarter listener.

I think many here prefer ignorance so they can maintain the egotistical believe that they can hear things that baffle the best scientific and engineering minds of our age.
It is not simply AC vs DC and Ohm's law as you are suggesting. The energy transport from source to sink is vey complex. There are no exact models.
I think that you have added to the old adage: " a little knowledge can sometimes be dangerous."

What is your qualification in terms of your technical background?

I use to be a "techno freak" until I realized that measurements cannot predict exactly how a component will sound/perform in a system.

Why don't you experiment with different cables in your system, instead of "shooting in the breeze."