Power Cord For Audio Research gear

Hi folks........I just purchased an Audio Research LS25 and PH3 SE......any suggestions from you all as to the best power cord for them????

I can't resist -- this debate is so out of control... At one point in my life when I thought B&W speakers were awesome, I also could not hear the difference in power cords. (I am not saying that B&W are not fine speakers -- I have found that there are others that are much more suited to my listening tastes) Now that things have advanced significantly in my stereo, power cords do make a significant difference, some more than others, and the cord / equipment match is extremely important. I have a friend that is a professional sound engineer that brought his spectrum analysis equipment to my home, and this equipment could detect signal rise and fall timing and 1 db peak level differences when the amp was equipped with a very high end power cord. Is the cord worth 3K??? Are some exotic cars worth $300,000K -- its only paint, metal and leather... Let your wallet, ears and seat of your pants decide... I know which cord is in my system...
Gmorris, Thanks, I try to look at things from both sides if possible. But sometimes will still snap off a reply that I might shouldn't have in the moment of anger. I think it would help to know what he is listening on. If I had been here back in my Yamaha reciever/ cd player days preaching that cables didn't matter.... well then you would know why. Not that it was a bad system, just mid-fi though and tweaks or cableing didn't matter so much on it.
Gmorris, on a related note, the Transparent balanced I got last week is finally starting to break in. ( yes steve, I know there is no such thing as break in ) It is sounding sooooo good right now, but the bill has not arrived yet!
Rather than get catchup in other cable/cord war, I'll jyst offer my personal recommendation of the fine Shunyata pc's and also that AR found their KinG Cobra to mate best with the after-market cords sampled. I would also suggest you look into the equally fine BMI cords. If our resident skepic
will not believe the testimonials given why would he believe our crediable data? MikE