INTERCONNECT-advice from knowers!

I am looking for reccomendations on diffrent interconnects to try in my system. My system consists of Dunlavy 4s, BAT VK150se amps, and Wadia 860. I have been using Harmonic Tech Pro Silway 2 balanced, it seems a little lean in the mids, and soft in the bass, but the images are so sharply defined, with a wide, wide soundstage that I keep coming back to it. I also for coparison have TARA Master Gen 2 which improves on the HTs weaknesses, but it seems to blur images together, and has a darkish treble that I don't prefer. Audioquest Lapis is also onhand for comparison. It seems to land somwhere in between the HT and TARA cables. I consider it the most functional of the 3 mentioned, but I would like to find a cable that keeps the strenghts of the HT and improves on it's weaknesses. I am getting a set of the Coincident interconnect for comparison. I would like to get recommendations from you guys who have worked their way up the ladder. My budget is 2k or less. Thanks, -Ryan
I have never tired XLO speaker cable. But I do like the interconnects and how they match with Audioquest Argent Speaker Cable. Like I said I was using AudioQuest and Tara, interconnects, but I found I liked the XLO interconnect better, it was much faster then the Tara and better bass control then AudioQuest Emerald. As for the 5.1 speaker cable I have not tired in my system. I guess the XLO interconnects help with the lower end, well the Argent Silver brings out the Treble.
Piezo, I have to back Carl up on this one. Magazines are not only important, but mandatory. Even as recently as a year or two ago, they were all we had. You can only talk to so many people, and they all have DIFFERENT opinions. Everyone has biases, even the reviewers. But eventually you find a guy who is into the same type of sound you are and you go from there. Also, some advice for a neophyte. DON'T listen to dealers, they only make money if you buy what THEY are selling. Listen to your EARS(and your heart). They are the only thing that matter. All else is unimportant. As Carl(someone who DEFINITELY knows what he's talking about) said, when you are in this hobby a little longer...
I was having the same problem with my system using nordost quatro-fil,went to nirvana sx and it is heaven.No more lean sound,thin or a slight bit forward.I you have any questons yell--roger
I used the JPS with the 4's. I am now using Audio Tekne which are excellent. In my opinion, I couldn't find any tube amp to control the bass. Your problem may be your amps. You will not get a night and day change from a new cable. I've owned the 4's,4A and now the5's
Carl and Trelja - I don't know about this mag idea. These guys are businesses first, journalists second, and then audiophiles. Sure, they are not lawyers, but still, I find they are merely a good read. For example, I find TAS is one of the better ones, yet they positively rave repeatedly over the Nordost stuff, which as Roger puts it is very much on the thin side. I have no doubt that Nordost works for some people in some systems, but to give it an unqualified rave smacks of some sort of agenda to me. I think the mags are useful when you are getting started, as they give you a way to think about improvements to your system - as opposed to swinging from one trade-off to another - ie. they are educational, but I am not so sure they provide good advice on individual components - I could list several components that I have experienced significant flaws with, but which the mags have failed to pick up on at all.