Silver cables - Great price!!

Has anyone out there in audio-land used the silver interconnects being sold by a new company called "Home Grown Audio"? I saw a comment in one of the threads about them, commenting that they are silver interconnects at very low prices. I decided to check out their Web page, and I want to share the news with other 'philes. I have no connection in any way with this company, but I think their products and pricing deserve serious attention from anyone who wants to save money on high-end cabling. The name of the company is "HomeGrownAudio", and their 999.999% pure, all-silver cables sell for $70 per 1-meter pair, or $40 in DIY kit form (you do the assembly and soldering). Their lower-priced interconnect has silver positive leads, and copper negative returns (ala the Kimber Silver Streak), and are priced at $40 ($24 for DIY kit). I ordered 2 kits for the all-silver interconnect, and will report back after I have assembled and used them. In the meantime, check out their Web site:
Dekay: I also live in an apartment. Since I usually go to work early critical listening after 11:00 pm isn't an option except on the weekends. I have noticed that my system sounds its best later in the evening. I've read reviews that suggest the PS Audio Power Plant "recreates" this effect through-out the day. But at $1000 it is not a cheap solution.
As I understand, from talking to people over the years, silver as a conductor generally sounds a bit tipped up in the treble right? I have heard that equipment manufacturers voice their products with copper wires. Could this be?
Has anybody compared this cable to the Pure Silver Sound interconnect? Conclusions?