What AC Power Cord sounds best?

I'm looking to upgrade my power cords. I currently have 4 Synergistic Research AC Master Couplers in my system. They sound great but I understand there are some others out there with a quiter background, better bass, increase resolution, etc. Please let me know of your experiences with the 'really good stuff'. Thanks!
T.G. audio and JPS have some great power cords at reasonable prices. Both have been in this business longer than anyone I know. JPS really made a big difference in my bass. Reviewer Martin DeWulf turned me on to these cords.
Transparent Audio make 4 different power cords. The Reference at $595- is much better than anything else around, and the XL ($1500) is much better still. In fact, all their cables are superior.
The reviews of the new Magnan Signature power cord look much more promising than the Powersnakes. I use the affordable MIT Z-Cord 2 with my CD player, and plug that into a Chang Lightspeed 6400 CLZ. I'm going to audition a really awesome prototype cord for my Krell amp, stay tuned...
Has anyone compared the Harmonic Tech power cord to synergistic master coupler?for cd and/or amps? Thanks
I've tried the HT cord with my Krell amp, and it's very dynamic, but also very edgy without some sort of conditioning with it...and I'm still trying to find a conditioner that limits current the least...I may have found it, BTW. THE MIT Z-CORD WORKS BETTER WITH MY CD PLAYER.