Top manufacturers!

I am just getting into the high-end area and was wondering who out there is consistantly making the highest quality components year after year.
Top manufacturers (in my experience. NOT in order of quality): Amplification: Audio Research, Cary, Krell, Sonic Frontiers. Speakers: B&W, Martin Logan, ProAc, Thiel. Source: Magnum Dynalab, Krell. Cables: MIT.
There is one name which is not known among dealers yet a name producing most exquisite preamps in the world. I am referring to Mr. Don Morrison and E.L.A.D. standing for Electronic Line Amplifying Device. I invite everyone to visit as well as I am waiting for my ELAD to arrive. I have been an audio enthusiast for the last 30 years and have not found better service than Don’s. Considering the performance, reference standard components – watch out (not to mention the under $1,000 price tag). Andrew G.
Krell, Magnepan, Resolution Audio, MIT, VPI, and ASC in that order...for me so far, anyway.
I only have a few years of experience, but I'll throw in Mark Levinson, Jeff Rowland, Wadia and Sonic Frontiers.