looking for the right integrated

My system currently is Joseph audio 7 signatures (monitors), Naim cd 5 and nait 5 and nordost solar wind speaker cable- the naim int. seems kind of flat and uninvolving- any ideas?
i'm looking to go solid state- and under 2 grand-thanks
You should try Tubes integrated amplifier as well. Joseph Audio is not really hard to drive. I had them been driven by Aronov Integrated amplifier ( 60 watts push-pull using 6550 tubes ) with a lot of success.

I have a friend who owns complete Naim gears and still not satisfy. Later, he changes to SET. Right now he owns Wavelength Duetto/ Sine combos with AudioNote Speakers. He tries numerous SET before that include Golden Tube SE40, Audion Sterling.. and all SET. He never goes back to Solid State gear anymore.

One guy use Audion Sterling ( 12 watts SET based on EL34 ) to power his Joseph AUdio rm25. From my understanding Joseph Audio is not hard to drive. I had Joseph Audio rm7si signature before.

Right now I'm using Soliloquy 5.0 with Audion Sterling Integrated ( 12 watts SET ). I've tried numerous solid state gears and go back to Tubes.

Good luck.
Budy, you are goin to go crazy with twenty different opinions let me help you proffesionaly, call me that I have to ask you a few questions firt before I recomend the best
integrated amp with in your budjet. Larry from Hi-end Palace
305 978-8687
Well, its good to know that there are some professionals out there to help poor souls through the bramble of our, er, misguided recommendations. Of course, if one is a "professional" it would be encouraging if one learned how to spell the word professional...All in good fun, of course.

OK, you have lower end Nordost running Naim. Uninvolving? Yes, I can see that. Nordost, even the top of the line, is harmonically incomplete, and particularly from the upper mids and higher, and more so as you move down the cable line (where, at the bottom, you start having sibilance problems). Mixed with that is Naim that excells, as a general rule, at dynamics and pace, but whose spatial rendition is two dimensional, and particularly in the rear depth field, causing the units to sound upfront in toto. Josephs are detail-orientated and will translate deficiencies in this area, loading the insufficient harmonics of the Nordost, translated and amplified by the Naim's upfront dynamics, right into your lap. This type of sound makes it difficult to stop "thinking" about the music in an analytic fashion because it stimulates the part of your listening mind that seeks to objectify sound.

If you want to stay SS, then the Sim suggestion is good, You may also wish to consider the Plinius 1850 (@$1700 used, but get one with phono because used it won't be that much more).Take the remaining $ and buy a better IC between CD and Integrated amp, say, an older Purist Collossus Rev B ($350 used/1M). Get some Coincident Tech spkr cables used down the road, a power cord (Custom PC Co Model 11 - $150 used)and forget about the "professionals".

Jeez, how was that? Did I do OK?