Any one here heard the Bmi Oceanic Statement?

I'm a Power Cord FREAK!!! I heard lots of good things about BMI. I'm looking to put it in my CDP. Right now I'm using a AQ power cord the NRG-5 retail some where $600 dollars, I pay about $200 not bad for the money. Any way any experience with the Bmi Oceanic Statement would be appreciated. Thank You.
I am using all Oceanics as well, but without the Rhodium. All are Statements, one is silver, one gold. The differences are subtle, but I would still love to hear the rhodium version. The original is on my Klyne preamp, the Gold on my Plinius amp, and the Silver on my AMR CD. That seems to be where the fit best in my system.

I have a friend here who is very well informed and widely experience who had no luck using the BMI's. That is the exception to my knowledge, but there is always something to be said for synergy and aural taste. YMMV!

To my ear, the Oceanics are very neutral, extremely natural, quiet and very detailed without being etched or aggressive. They offer a pace and a presence that is very lifelike, open, and accurate. The Oceanics are the best I have heard and seem well suited for all my need and applications on my power, front end and source gear.

That said, I have never heard the Kraken, but have heard good things about it....I can't help but alway hear "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!" resonating in a Scottish brogue in the back of my mind.

As long as we're enjoying the tunes and finding it fun, the path is the right one!
Not far than yesterday i had a friend in my house he brought with him some CDs And a pcord from stealth to see And comper against BMI pcords 10mn later he prefered to take his pcord offrande to keep listening his CD with Bmi pcord.even the Stealth 7000 Was quite good enough to listen toBut hé prefered Bmi pcords.The BMI pcord rhodium version is i would say made for sources (in my système configuration i am having excellent result even if it is not fully Break in.The second pcord statement oceanic with oyaide 046/079 is the best choise for my amp fast transparent Dynamic articulated bass And suprisingly it clé ans up all the High frequency it extends the High in a Way like you're turning the light on,it allows the speakers to breath softly And deeply with surergicly Way..or maner as you wish And the other(3) pcord hammerhead is doping à fantastic job with my préamp very open very natural very silky a pleasir to listen to all thèse pcords.i am defenetly going to order an other pcord for my tuner magnumdynalab And it´s going to be rhodium statement even if i have to wait few months before the Break in.
I have tried And décided to keep the hammerhead pcord for my préamp ,it´s a matter of transparency ,clarity and neutrality And it helps where others pcords connected either to cdp or amplifier show their potentiality in my case obviously,i could determin where i could go plugging any pcord to the wrong gear at least with my system And i am waiting for my next statement pcord to be commercialised apparently terminated by the all new wattgat rhodium plugs.hope that helps
Budburma..!..i have never heard the silver oceanic pcord ..CAN you please tell us How do you find the silver And where are you using it..?..How do you compère to the rest of the pcords oceanic statement..?..actualy i am waiting for the new plugs from watgatte to be released And to order an other oceanic Bmi.thank you.chahed
Hi, yes, I have some notes at home regarding the sounds of differing Oceanics. I have a recent cord, a silver terminated one and one with the original metallurgy. they are all 3.4-4 ft. long. I have recently been trying other combinations of cables. It sounds like you like the Rhodium a lot. What Wattgates are you waiting on? Would you like to try one of mine? Where are you located?