Balanced Cable recommendations for Ayre equipment

I have an Ayre 7xe, K-5xe , V-5xe and Revel F52 speakers currently with Kimber Cable Hero interconnects and 8TC speaker wire. I want to switch to balanced interconnects - please provide some advice - do not want to spend more than $750 per pair.
Well, I've been through the cable merry-go-round and like many have said, there was little difference sometimes, or there was significant [to me] difference. In this system, some cables I thought highly of initially eventually seemed to mess the music or balance thing up. If it were me, I would just get some Straight Wire and call it a day. In fact, I think I will.

It is hard to tell from written opinions anyway. It seems much I had read about were either outright falsehoods, or used in systems very different from mine. But the only wires I have ever had that never disappointed (I guess did not do anything abnormal to destroy the music) were Straight Wire. I replaced them anyway and have been swapping out cables since.
I had an Ayre CX-7 and an AX-7e that I sold only last week. I had tried a few XLR-cables between the two and got the best (i.e. best micro-dynamics, best bass, no grain) results with Virtual Dynamics Nite. Unfortunately, the new Nite Platinum series is well beyond the price limit you quote even at factory prices. I had luck in that I could pick up a factory refurbished ("R") pair from the previous series for $290. If this looks like an interesting alternative to you give them a call, they always have a number of "R" cables on offer (because they have a trade-in program when people upgrade).
Good luck

The only cabling I've heard Ayre products run with is Transparent... it wasn't bad, but surely nothing to jump up and down about... so you might want to forget about Transparent wires. Dry and overpriced. ...but then, if you like that sort of thing...