Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Why cant you mix and match??? I'm doing it with a single 2-lead Galileo MPC with my Rel spec interconnect and the T3 power cord going to the sub and it sounds fine. Why should you not mix and match? Does not make sense to me. Save the money and experiment. Order all you Galileos in 2 leads so there is upgrade potential down the road even if you don't need two leads now.
I just got my Apex speaker cables with Galileo today. After burning them for a few hours, I could not resist listening to my system. In comparison to well broken in Accelerator speaker cables, there was no contest. The Apex cables are still a bit rough, a bit more forward but they throw bigger soundstage, more 3 dimensional body to the instruments, more detail and quite a bit faster. I can't tell how much was from the Apex and how much from the Galileo. I expect the sound to continue to improve over the next several days.
Now I have Apex IC between my DAC and amp, just have to save up more money for my phono to amp and get a few more Galileo :)
Has anyone tried powering the T-2 PC for the Quattro with the Galileo mpc-if so what results?
When I receive my Galileo(dual lead) I am running one lead to my T2 on my Quattro and the other to my Precision AC on my QLS 9. I will post results.

Regards Bacardi
I wonder if somebody has any experience using SR power cord on any battery powered equipment?
I have ASR integrated and phono. The pre amp section and phono are battery powered. They require special cables between battery/power unit to the main unit. Considering that the power is stored in the battery first, would that negate any benefit of using expensive power cords between the wall and battery units. I have 2 T3 power cords to the amp section of ASR but both are 20 amps version so I could not try them on the pre/phono sections. Unfortunately I don't live in the US so I cannot use Cable Company library's loan (althought I get most of my cables from them).