Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Well, I'm dipping my toes in the Synergistic waters very tentatively. I've recently replaced my entire analogue front end, phono-stage, turntable and arms.

I've consistently shortchanged cables and am now looking at that area as I've pretty well nailed the rest of my system for the foreseeable future.

Anyway, thought I'd start with a T2 power cord on my Tron phono-stage. After that, (assuming I'm pleased), I'm not sure what to do next? More power cords, interconnects, speaker cables? Anyway, should have it in a week or so and I'll see if it provides any noticeable impact. Thanks everyone for all of the great info in this thread.

fplanner, your insight has been intersting on what I think are two of the top cable companies around.

Its no surprise Rick was a gentleman which is why he's been my favorite audio designer!

What is the T3 UHC? Is this a new version of the T3?

I agree with Foster about the T3 on the power conditioner and I thought it was too constricting and my system lost a lot of clarity, air and high frequency extension. And the system was TOO fast and fatiguing. It worked best on a preamp, integrated amp, amp and subwoofer.

Rydenfan, dont be dis-hearted, the T3 is a wonderful cable when used in the correct position in your system. The PC's sound better and better as you add more and match the correct cable to your component. But you should demo one of each.
I ordered my T3 yesterday for my McCormack amp. Has anyone else experianced the Fatiguing that Foster did?
Do you have any other Synergistic Cables in your system?
No, no others.