Longer Power Cords Sound better?

In my quest for power cords, i have noticed that a longer cord say 6 or 8 feet tends to have a nicer sound in my system that the same models that are 3 or 4 feet.
Power cords i have found this to be true include Cerious Tech, Cardas, and VH Audio....anyone have an explanation?

AND by nicer sound I mean they tend to have a richer midrange, and a more coherent top to bottom presentation.

>>>I firmly believe in trusting one's ears as the absolute judge of quality. <<<

On that point, we are in complete agreement.

Happy listening!
Zaikesman, if you plan to compare the effects of PC length, I'd suggest changing the PC that connects your power conditioner to the wall. By affecting a number of components at one time, the sonic effects of the change in length should be somewhat more pronounced. It also makes clear that the change in sound isn't solely due to reduction in EMI near your gear, or RFI filtering, since the PC should at that position be both farther away from your rack, and before the much heavier filtering of your powerline conditioner.
Differences of over 3 feet should be very easy to hear, while lengths shorter are useful for 'tuning' once you've got a handle on the difference length makes.
Tplavas: Please forgive me when I note that you seem like you're coming from about 6 different places at once with your arguments. I glean from your posts that you feel: A) measurements will show that shorter is better; B) we cannot measure the effects of power cords; C) listening will show there's an optimal length that may not be the shortest; D) if listening does show that this optimum length is not the shortest, then you've got the wrong cord; E) offering technical explanations for what we hear with power cords is merely theorizing to support experience; F) technical theories support how you think I ought to do power cord listening tests.

I agree with you on one thing, with apologies to Grant, which is that Caelin's article cops out in the end (athough I liked some of the points he made before then) by recommending that power cords not be shorter than 3 feet, the shortest cord anybody offers anyway. That's bold. (BTW, I use some Shunyata cords.)

To tell you the truth, until only about 2 months ago, I probably wouldn't even have repsonded to this thread, because it would've simply struck me as silly. Of the cords I owned in different lengths -- which were all 3-5 ft. -- I just assumed they either sounded the same or that shorter would be incrementally better, but basically I didn't think about it. Then I got an 8 1/2 ft. cord as a good deal on demo, thinking I would try it out and buy a shorter length if I liked it well enough. It was instantly the best sounding cord I owned, and I began to suspect that length had something to do with it. So I got another one in a 5 ft. length, and do plan to formally compare the two once I'm sure everything's broken in and I get the time. FYI, I will compare them in all system positions, because I need to know how they perform where they'll be used, no matter what the reasons for how they do.

Hi Zaikesman,

Caelin's recommendation of no shorter than a 1 meter length has to do as much with practicality than anything else. Although shorther than three feet essentially just adds connecting points and puts you kissing distance from your Romex--so what's the point of a nice PC, then?

Often times the IEC of a component is inverted (upside down). If you say, order a two foot length measuring fom IEC to the wall. You get the cord, then realize than you have to turn or invert it to match the outlet in the wall, guess what, it's too short. That, and the loss of resale value and in our opinion, a performance loss, are the reasons I warn customers that want a one-meter or shorter power cord.

Regarding Guido's reference to a 30 foot power cord we made: Astoria Studios (Pink Floyd) requested a 6ft Anaconda to try with their Studer Master Deck. We supplied a 6ft length for eval. hey were skeptical that it would make _any_ difference because all the power supplies of their electronics were heavily modified by Tim Diparavacini.

They had to wheel the Studer deck across the floor for the eval because the 6ft length of the power cord was far too short. Based on listening results, they ordered a 30 foot Anaconda to allow the distance required for the Studer's normal place on the floor.

Soon after recieving the 30 footer (we took pics before shipping as its the longest we've made), the studio manager called us to ask what the new, incredible model was as it was light years better than what we had sent for test. We explained why the difference existed and they understood. Since then, they have been our greatest protagonists in the pro realm and ordered more than $150k worth of product. Anectodal, sure. However, in such a high rez application, it speaks loudly to our point. Wont be true of all PC's likely, but it is with ours.