Got an LP cleaner you want to make money on?

The subject has come up about cleaning vinyl LPs and how expensive some of the effective LP cleaners are out there. Usually out of the monetary reach of the average vinyl player who still would like to listen to clean, quiet LPs on their turntables.

I was wondering, since many of the members here may own such equipment, whether there might be a chance to connect through Audiogon some of the owners of these cleaners who may be willing to offer their use, for a price of course, with the vinyl lovers in their particular area.

At least they could recoup some of the cost and at the same time help out others of like interests, namely enjoying listening to LPs with the least amount of pops and snaps..

What do you think? Would you owners of such equipment be interested such a service?
Got to say I'm still a little suspect at this cleaning of new LPs.. You can read all sorts of things on the internet forums these days and I always take them with a grain of salt. And some people can get a little carried away.
I've used shibata and fine line tips listening to mostly jazz and classical with very capable gear. So it's not as if I've been listening to Metallica with a penny taped to the end of the tonearm of a portable stereo and wouldn't know good sound when I hear it.
I am however all for trying to wring out the last drop of good sound, so if others feel the need for this I say go for it. But let's just leave it at that.
My local analog shop in Seattle rents out nitty gritty cleaning machines (he sells them also). I always clean new records.
To keep this posting from getting too far off track here, let’s say all new records should be cleaned before their first use. And this type of deep cleaning can only really be done effectively with a capable LP cleaner, using both liquid and vacuum methods.

These type of cleaners are not cheap, thus the purpose of my posting. The majority of people who own turntables and enjoy listening to vinyl will not be able to budget for a $1000 cleaner.

So.. Are there any people who are fortunate enough to own such a cleaner who may be willing to connect with others in their area, or possibly a mail in service, to offer their units for use. So that everyone can clean their vinyl records before their first use?
About twenty years ago, I owned a musical instrument shop. I had an audio department, & sold turntables & used lps. I had a Nitty Gritty & cleaned lps at $1 each, including a new rice paper sleeve. My customers were mainly young(under 30) & non audiophiles. They were happy to pay $1 each, & amazed at the improvement in look & sound of their lps. I cleaned enough lps to pay for the machine easily.

I am amazed that audio shops & especially lp shops don't provide this service. It gets people in the shop repeatedly, giving you more chances to sell other stuff. In my shop, I sold an amp & preamp to one of my lp customers. A number of them upgraded their turntables with me as well.

As far as new lps, I prefer to clean them. I used to clean my lps every time I played them, but later changed to just once each. I heard no difference. That is just my way. Your mileage may differ.