MC loading at 47K

Hi All,

Just after some expert advice from your good selves if I may. My current system is as follows:

Musical Fidelity KW550 intergrated amp which has a MM and MC section, both loaded at 47K. The only difference between them is the step up voltage.

My turntable is the Rega P9 with Ortofon Kontrapunkt A.

Looking at changing my cartridge but honestly cant decide between MM or MC.

My music taste are as follows:

Female Vocal

No classical or jazz.

So what should I choose based I'm only limited to a 47K loading. I was thinking either of the below:

1. Ortofon Jubilee (MC)
2. Ortofon 2M black (MM)
3. Clear Audio Maestro (MM)

Is there a down side to loading up a MC so much?

Thoughts please...thanks
Here is a useful reference for those of you who want to get some facts on the loading of a MC cartridge.
Lowering the numerical value (increasing the load) will muddy or blur the presentation.
I suggest that people read a bit more, like Atmasphere's last post on this thread, and this reply by Jonathan Carr in a thread from last year. The thread is regarding the XV-1s but the post is more general regarding MC loading. Also followed by another post by Atmasphere.

jcarr on mc loading
Dan_ed: I have read the references you suggested,thanks. Is this different from the analysis of a critically damped tuned/ resonant circuit? I would imagine that the "loss" of energy in the sound with the reduction of the 47K load is the reduction of the resonant peak within the audio band around 10 -15Khz and quite common in MC cartridges. Surely a more accurate reproduction would be without this peak present? The earlier reference I posted shows the result of this in a real world cartridge.
Stops, sounds to me like you have a pretty good understanding of what is going on here. We are indeed talking about a tuned resonant circuit, and how to damp its behavior.