TW Raven 10.5" Tonearm

Hi All

I'm 'considering' a TW Raven tonearm BUT that silly looking bird painted on the bearing section really puts me off. I've got in contact with TW Acustic but he will not return my emails. The silly looking painted bird looks so out of place on a tonearm. My 4 year old daughter painted one just like it last week.

Does anyone know if it is screen printed on or etched. If screen printed I could take it off with paint stripper!

Rdcline, I m waiting for the TW tonearm which I purchased instead of Graham which the same dealer is representing. May I knw what problem you faced with the TW tonearm initially.
I agreed with you, I just dont understand why some guys just cant accept that people can have their own opinions and its not necessary the same as theirs. I suspose they felt that they have superior ears
some bloody twistarm just plain jealous with his best turntable that he dare not to response to enquiries
twistarm, to be respected , post respectfully instead of vomiting jealous all over the gon.
I meant jealousy and its nothing but plain jealousy of a fellow german manufacturer who is doing much better