Ortofon MC A90 cartridge

I have had this cartridge for just over a month now and WOW.

The A90 IMO is as pure a cartridge that I have ever heard.

If you like your system you will absolutely luv this cartridge.

Thanks Mike L for giving me the tip - revealing and musical- absolutely. ruthless - never

Anyone else got one?

Hi Axel, yes it does seem that 'correct' loading is a very system dependent thing.

I know what you are saying regarding the 'sat on, compressed or over-tight' type sound. The Jubilee tended that way when loaded at 47ohms - though in some ways it sounded more correct. The A90 is a totally different animal and sounds very dynamic and alive at 47ohms (in my system). In fact after listening for a while at 47ohms it's hard to go back to the 100 ohm setting that I was very much enjoying previously.

There is nothing obnoxious going on at higher loadings, the Plinius phono is quite refined on top and my Harbeth speakers tend to the 'polite' side - so you'd think the extra 'air' at the higher loadings would be my preference. However with 47ohms the superior solidity and shape to performers and instruments, the transiernt certitude and greater soundspace awareness makes this an obvious winner for me. It sounds more natural and less overblown 'Hi-Fi'.

Clearly cartridge loading is something that can't be translated from system to system. If nothing else, this little discourse should encourage both A90 and Windfeld users to experiment with their loading.
Cheers, Tobes
Tobes & All,
I do agree in every respect with what you're saying, yet let me throw out one more curve ball.
The Windfeld I'm referring to is a new replacement of an earlier one that had issues also acknowledged by Ortofon (who replaced it for no charge), having "a VTA problem".
It was "riding" VERY low from the start and the body was not build / assembled up to scratch either.
So it could be explained that the two would've behaved quite differently.
The new item is now riding a lot higher and this *may* just be the way the first would have meant to be? (In fact I'm not so sure at all!)
A similar story with slightly different faults I had with a Jubilee, which also was replaced eventually after 2 attempts to correct the initial problems (body gapping and more and more skewing cantilever).
I mention these so as to explain why I think (by now), that there are rather more variations in these carts then one could wish for.
The MP-50 I mentioned by comparison is CLEARLY! a better tracker (then the Jubilees, or Windfelds in my system) and those two Ortos are *supposed* to be GREAT tracking carts!
There have been some very long threads on explaining mis-tracking, of difficult vinyl bands and not just IGD i.e. the inner bands only, and none of those Ortos did too well for me ever.
In fact, it seems this form of mild to more sever mis-tracking that makes these carts lack in ultimate "clarity" and I can no more easily explain it in terms of a lesser phono-pre performance. By now more then one MM or MI cart seems to disprove these ideas of insufficient rise time and the like.
It looks now that the A90 has finally got this sorted, reading the above reports about *superior clarity* --- very GOOD!
Now why only build 400!? Marketing? More then 400 ought be sold by now in any case...!
Using those carts mentioned in an SME V arm should NOT be the limiting factor AT ALL.
Just food for thought, and possibly an opportunity for some more learning.
Hey Tobes.

I use an Ortofon Windfeld and have recently purchased the A90 which is an absolute KILLER cartridge. I found using the Windfeld below 100ohms sort of killed the music and so far the A90 below 100ohms pretty much does the same.
I use a solid state based phono stage. Above 100ohms both cartridges 'warm up' slightly but I prefer the 100ohms setting IN MY SYSTEM!.

Just as a comparison for anyone wanting to know:

So far nothing compares to the A90 in my system.

Windfeld vs Airy 3 = Windfeld wins outright in all departments.

Windfeld vs Shelter 901 = 901 sounds livelier but 'false'

Shelter 901 vs Airy 3 = I prefer the 901 as is has far better weight and realism. 3D portrayal is far better with the 901.

901 vs Ortofon Rondo Bronze = 901 wins outright which goes to show a good cartridge is and will always be a good cartridge.

Koetsu Red Signature vs A90 = Koetsu sounds OLD!

Koetsu RS vs Windfeld = Koetsu sounds OLD!

I have all of the above cartridges and all these were compared in my system using my standard setup.
VPI HRX/ Kuzma 4 point Whest Audio MC REF V phonostage/ LAMM L2/ ATC 150 Active.

sorry I have no A90, only the Windfeld and the M20FL-super sounds more natural, has more detail yet, and also is a better tracker! (It's why it sounds better also, my take)
It's why I said, this A90 as it's assessed above is the next important step for Orto, no?

Windfeld compared to MP-50 -- the Windfeld sounds OLD (good way of putting it, thanks for the expression Robm1)
PS: To me there's no way to give these LOMCs the credit of "unsuitable" phono-pre performance if it can deliver the good stuff with all those MM / MI carts. Again, I think it is clearly a tracking issue, -- at least with my SME V arm.