Mint Tractor

I'm sorry, I apologize, please forgive me for doubting all of you who have told me of the need for the Mint Protractor. I got it today, and just did a quick check to find that the cartridge is indeed off set up with the VPI protractor that comes with the Supercout/10.5i. I read the directions and it is a very tedious, and slow going procedure, so I'll get back in a while and tell you if I hear any differences.
Pardon my ignorance, but can someone tell me how to purchase a Mint tractor?

Yip will need your pivot to spindle distance and overhang both of which will be posted on the VPI website. Take the arm off and measure yourself too just to double check. Your dealer obviously set your table up using some other tool so don't be surprised if the overhang is different.(I'd be surprised if it wasn't)Also, bear in mind that each time you make a change in one parameter it often affects others as well. You'll need some sort of scale to set VTF to the approximate range first. Otherwise when you change it you'll likely change the overhang too. Even when you're done, always double check everything to make sure no adjustment has changed another parameter unintentionally. If you don't have Fremer's video, it's a good way to get oriented to all you need to do in the beginning though you'll soon develop your own habits. You can recheck all of this with your VPI jig too before the mint arrives and acheive surprising results with it too. This all takes practice and patience but it will go a long way in getting you where you want to be.
Thanks, Sonofjim.

I do have Fremer's video - it's given me a good understanding of what's involved, how some things work etc, but I'm not yet at the stage where I'm going to tackle things myself. that being said, I can totally understand the benefits of that and acquiring the tools is the first step.

I'm sure I'll be watching Fremer's video several more times. :-)

I ordered a Project stylus force gauge from; hopefully this will handle the VTF duties adequately (if not, please straighten me out).

I'll check VPIs site for the measurements and double check them.

Any digital scale should be satisfactory. I use the Audio Additives and like it. It was $99. I doubt spending more than that gets you anything extra. This is harder with a 9 sig than the 10.5i with the VTA adjustment knob, but the VTF measurement really should be done with the arm level to the platter. This means raising the back for the measurement. If you fold an index card lengthwise exactly you can put it next to the arm and it's a lot easier to tell if that tapered arm is level(ala Stringreen). Then of course, level the arm back to record level when done. VTA is hard enough to change on the 9 sig that you'll probably have the best and easiest results just leveling the arm to 180 gm record range and leaving it there. As long as azimuth is still reasonably close, you're then ready to align with the Mint tractor. And on and on it goes but it's worth it.