Hi-End carts - pros

When looking at the field of high end carts, IMO there are no outright "bad" sounding ones, just that each cart has its own characteristics. I am looking at acquiring one of these below. If you had to select one from one of the following, which would you choose and why?

a) Koetsu RSP
b) Lyra Skala
c) Dynavector XV-1s
Congratulations! I am sure you will like it. I agree with Kurk_Tank that you don't need to set the VTF beyond the max. recommended by the manufacturer. I had good results at 2.0 gram. I didn't see any sonic benefits at 2.5 grams and beyond, except my pulse rate went up when I saw the cartridge almost bottom out at 2.5g. Enjoy.
After spinning a couple of sides, even from the first LP tracking at 1.85g, sure there was a bit of hardness at the start, but even then it sounds fabulous. The detail separation is amazing and the soundstage is huge (could also be attributed to the Conductor), but things are really fast and the rymthmic pace makes you want to groove to the music.

Thing is, I don't see any need to raise VTF! The silence between tracks is more quiet than ever before.

What do you guys load your XV-1s at? I'm currently at 100ohms, will try 1K later.