compressor for airbearing table

Any suggestions on air compressor for Maplenoll ariadne table? I am new to this type of system and looking for advice from others who have ventured into air bearing equipment. I noticed Pluto uses Jun-Air compressors but have not found a US supplier. Other models or brands that are "quiet"?
Try Won Brothers:

The model to look at is the Dophin Five Star.

Good luck.
I have not seen any of the aquarium pumps that deliver pressure above 10 psig. The lower pressure will work for the arm but the maplenoll has a 50# platter resting on the top part of the air bearing. I find when my supply pressure falls below 20 psig, the system starts struggling. I do love the quietness however with the design of the aquarium pumps and am looking for a similar "quiet" pump that can deliver approx 30-40 psig. Anyone ever use airbrush compressor?
I do believe the "WISA" aquarium pump is considered the best,in this application.Not cheap,and it had a distributor who modded it,for audio purposes.I wish I could give you more input here.Also,some compressors used for dentist drills(don't laugh)have been used with superb,high pressure results,on arms like the Air Tangent.I had two friends who did this,and once one got past the humor,it was a sonic revelation.
I'd still go with a nice new WISA,which should be available commercially.
good luck!
Give 'ol Bruce Thigpen at Eminent Technology in Tallahassee, Florida, an email or a call and see what he recommends these days. Bruce has been the air bearing guy literally from day one, and was closely involved with the development of the Maplenoll air bearing. Besides, he's one heck of a nice guy and is always very helpful. Bruce will get you the correct answer.
Hi all
A few years ago i used a vpi hw19 mk4 with an et2 tonearm
A dealer suggested to me to create a large 8 gallon plastic container with air being pumped in
I then had an airline out of the container that was driven by over pressurisation instead of the[wisa] pump itself thus removing the pulsing of the pump
I found this worked very well with my et2
I hope this may be useful
All the best