I am thinking of pulling the trigger on an Esoteric G-0Rb clock for my system (that uses an Esoteric X-01D2 player.
Can anyone describe the benefits of adding a clock to the system? Is it a noticeable improvement? Subtle but better? Easier to listen to?
I do not see a lot os discussion or reviews of clocks, so I have to ask does adding a clock fix a problem that is not that big of a problem?


I never tried the Paganini. I went straight from the Elgar plus to the Scarlatti. I am not saying not to try the DCS clock. They make some of the finest kit in the world and their systems work beautifully. What I am saying is I got tired of having to spend so much on all these bits.

I just have not updated my page, but I have moved on system wise. The DCS with the clock/DAC/transport was amazing. I never used the Scarlatti transport though, but the old Encore. It was the finest digital playback I had heard at the time.

The problem with DACs is that they are mainly just a computer. As we all know this technology moves so quickly. So I changed my set up to a simple but complete computer based system.

With attention to each of the links in the chain I have managed to get sound at least as good if not better and put the savings in my bank. I moved to a Mac (amarra) firewire/ Weiss DAC with volume control/amp set up. It may not look as good, but hey!
Well I have added a clock. While it is not a HUGE differance, it is a sound improvement(in my opinion) worth paying for. If you love great sound quality and I do.
If using an outboard clock on a DAC makes it sound better, then somethng was broken or they didn't design it correctly to begin with.
I am using a brand new dac and clock. Neither are broken. I have read your favorite dac mps-5, which with usb has only a maximum 48khz. I use usb. My debussy usb does considerly better. I know of "playback desighn's" y and x axis theory. I have read where "playback" sees the clock as "at best a fix". Dcs has no clue about what they design. My dac and clock cost no more then you favorite Mps-5, but I believe mine does more and does it better, for certain usb. Which is what I use. If this is broken, I would LOVE to hear fixed. Either way, it sounds fantastic. Clock and all!