Esoteric K-01

Has anybody had an opportunity to listen to the recently announced Esoteric K-01? I was also wondering about the price. Thanks
Has anyone compared the USB inputs of the K-01 vs the Coaxial inputs of the K-01 (using a Spdif to USB converter) ?
Would be curious is the coaxian input is better than the USB inputs for computer audio.

Thanks in advance.
On G0 rb clock benefits, sharing the below clock specs i read about when i was reading about the K-01.

Esoteric D-02/K-01/K-03: ±0.5ppm
Antelope Isochrone 10M: ±0.00003ppm

A friend of mine had tried Antelope Isochrone 10M atomic clock with his K-01 and wasn't able to tell the difference. The clock was returned to the dealer.

I do think that you can do better than Antelope Isochrone 10M, as far as external clocks are concerned.

Just spend your money on better cables, amp etc. instead.
Guido...I don't own a K-03 or K-01 but when I talked to Mark and Tim from Esoteric this past April at Axpona about them (they were showing a K-03), they told me that breakin time is consistent with the P-01, P-03U/P-03, UX-1, X-01, C-03 pre-amp, etc....plan for 300-500 hours with unit getting incremental nuances/refinements after 500 hours. There is a lot of circuitry in the K series models, plan for good levels of break in. The thing I've always found myself wondering is when you have multiple choices for upsampling (DSD versus the various levels of PCM like the P-03 units provide) if you need to run separate breakin times for the 2-3 major modes of the transport or DAC in question. To be on the safe-side with my P-03U and D-03 I did in fact fun 300+ hours on DSD upconversion as well as 300+ hours on PCM at 176.4.