Esoteric K-01

Has anybody had an opportunity to listen to the recently announced Esoteric K-01? I was also wondering about the price. Thanks
I find your comment regarding digital interference interesting. You think the K01 may sound better than the much more expensive two unit P02/D02 (make that 3 units if the G-orb is included)? Can you explain in layman's terms?


I am certain that there are other factors making the P02/D02 superior sounding compared to the K-01. Of course, if everything is made absolutely equal, I believe that the unit without the digital interface will sound better. You'd probably agree that, regardless of how good the digital interface is, it can never be as pure as a short wire connecting the transport and DACs internally.

Furthermore, during our experiments with the NWO-M, I've found that different wire materials (Silver, Gold, plated, copper, OFC, etc.) connecting the transport and DACs all have their own sonic signature, just like it happens with interconnect cables, for example.

Hope this explains it!

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
"I am certain that there are other factors making the P02/D02 superior sounding compared to the K-01.”

Hi Alex, In your opinion, would those "other factors” necessitate using two boxes or could the P02/D02 been designed as a superior one box solution?
Alex, Thank you for your explanation. Have you compared the NWO-M to the Esoteric K-01? How do they compare sonically?
Hi Alex, In your opinion, would those "other factors” necessitate using two boxes or could the P02/D02 been designed as a superior one box solution?

Hi Phaelon, there are many possibilities; better power supplies and digital signal processing (they say 35 bit), for example.

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
Alex, Thank you for your explanation. Have you compared the NWO-M to the Esoteric K-01? How do they compare sonically?


You're welcome! No one has compared the K-01 with the NWO-M so far, but I am really looking forward to it. The AK4399 in the K-01 (and the new D-02) are used according to the AKM datasheet design guide (normal mode) with "Digital Filter Bypass". The "normal mode" AK4399 configuration was used in the NWO-4.0-SE. The proprietary "special mode" we have incorporated with AK4399 made such a difference resulting in NWO-Master. And of course we have 20 DACs per channel against 8, so I am not sure if comparing the K-01 with the NWO-M will be fair at all.

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev