PS Perfect Wave Trans/DAC versus Meridian 808.2

Has anyone been able to compare these two products or comment on either individually as a significant improvement over high quality red book equipment? I am intrigued by the apodosing filters ability to enhance Red Book sound by reducing pre-ringing. And these two products, as far as I know, are the only ones using these filters.
With the new Bridge coming out is there really a need for the PWT any more other than to have somewhere to put in a CD to play simply for the sake of playing CD's? If you burn your whole collection to an NAS with EAC off of your computer drive does that not negate the need for a PWT?
Seriously thinking of going this route and I'm definitely not adverse to buying the combo but just don't seem to find what the need would be for the transport in my (questionably feeble) mind...
I went with just the DAC for the reasons you listed. Getting everything out of your computer bit perfect seems to be the trick. I'm still working on that. I like the sound of the J River player better than iTunes on my PC (running windows XP).
I've also gone that route. All my music is on a NAS, I've been using Sonos for a couple of years and can't remember the last time I played a physical disc!

As for the need for the PWT.. from all accounts the Bridge sounds pretty much exactly like the PWT, so it's certainly not something I'd have a need for. If I had extra $$ I might buy one so I'd have the PW Pair.. but I don't...
i think PSA is on to something with their soon/someday to be released "NAS for dummies" set up. a one box solution that does everything and is plug-n-play.

many of us out here understand computer based music is where digital is headed. the advantages are obvious. "we" want to go there as well but are scared off by all the tech stuff involved. no doubt many of you are laughing but it's a sad truth. the set-up is beyond what many of "us dummies" care to learn and/or do. please note i used the word "care". no doubt we could figure it out eventually....we just don't want to. lazy?, ignorant?, lacking initiative?? sure!. just keep in mind that there are many of "us" out here. it's about time a company decided to take our money =)

i'm waiting for the bridge as well but am even more excited about the all in one devise that's in the works. you guys can stop laughing any time now =)
I would think that there should be enough good info on the threads here and on the PSA site that should get you thru it wasy enough, but I agree that a plug and play NAS setup would be welcome AND likely purchased by a lot of people...