Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?

I heard about new DACs on the market better than Scarlatti.
StahlTek Vekian and GTE Audio.
Someone compared them with Scarlatti?
Any other DAC compared with dcs?
I have been using the Orpheus Heritage for a while now and agree with Geopolitis that it is probably one of the best DAC in the world. There are other contenders of course, but get the source, power chord and anti-vibration platform right, and it is one of the most natural sounding.
So what is the moral of the story? There is no best DAC. And when you you find the best DAC, make sure you enjoy it, because there will be a new best DAC in 6 months.

Another lesson is how amazing the number of small companies that are producing state-of-the-art DACs at very high price. You need several hands just to count them.
Rtn1, do you say that Wadia 9 is not the best DAC?
I'll love to hear it once. Unfortunately dealer in Russia doesn't have it.
I feel difference very much! And this difference is in resolution of the whole system! And with higher resolution and right tonal balance you got better DAC. It is not about taste! So, I believe that there is best DAC.
With highest resolution and still right balance.
After what I heard from GTE and Lavry Gold, I can say that the rest DACs has much lower resolution. With GTE I didn't get completely right balance, may be cables was not right for GTE. When resolution become higher it is also become much more critical to the rest of the system. Keeping balance with highest resolution is not easy. But result is amazing!!!
I'll check if we have Orpheus available for audition!
For now looks like I'm happy with Lavry Gold.
Kamil, what power chord and antivibration platform you use?
I also have great impact to the sound from this 2 things.
Murataltuev, I don't know if the Wadia is the best. I do not have an adequate basis for comparison. I like what I hear, and I've stopped looking at DACs. All I'll say is that the Wadia is very detailed, and with the right supporting synergy, very natural.

I was listening to Glenn Gould playing Bach on the piano this morning, and it was like he was in the room, humming along (literally, if you know Glenn Gould). I could picture the different positions of his hands and fingers while he played. I was not overcome by excessive detail. It just sounded real.

I want a DAC that gives me everything. I'll figure-out how to deal with the information, but you cannot create something that does not exist at the start of the chain. As my system improves, the origin of this detail becomes more obvious.

I've moved along to power conditioning (due to arrive next week), and then will make a definitive move on power cords/cables next year or so. Supporting components are huge for system satisfaction.