Does it have to sound good for you to like it?

I listen mainly to classical music.  The SQ of classical recordings is all over the place, not nearly as consistent other types of music.  Recording large orchestras is a complicated and difficult endeavor. Smaller ensembles are easier to record. So, if you listen to a great performance of an orchestral (or any) recording but have trouble with the sound will you avoid listening to it?


For me recorded quality is paramount. I can't listen to poor recordings regardless of the performance especially now that I have a very resolving system. And yes Classical recordings are extremely variable in quality. Even with current methods and HIGH RESOLUTION  recordings. There are some HiRes recordings that can't compete with older CD quality issues. I've even heard Hires issues that were inferior to their standard CD quality issues. Recording large orchestral works is dependent on the miking arrangement and the location. I really don't like close miked Classical. I need to hear the ambience of the hall. Recording Classical is both a science and and art. If you are interested in Opera listen to some of the Decca early Stereo recordings. They surpass most modern Opera recordings. Perfectly miked in a wonderful acoustic.

No. It's about the music, not the recording. If it wasn't about the music most people would never go to a concert unless they were able to find the best seat for sound quality and were able to get it each time. 

No. It's about the music, not the recording. 

For you. Not for everyone. 

Post results, much like a cable post. Will you or won’t you listen, can you or can’t you hear…lol


It’s interesting to note that some value the music and some value their system more.