Audiophile Comedy



It’s not comedy it’s documentary

It is a tragi-comedy ...

Video describing exactly the ignorance of many audiophiles in a race to upgrade WITHOUT studying and experimenting with a chosen system the principle and parameters of acoustics . Most audiophile think that acoustics with an (s) refer to room acoustic, more than that in my experience with audiogon , most think that room acoustic is solved if we buy costly panels ...

And deluded audiophiles laughted at me if i created some efficient tweaks at low cost...

Some are offended if i speak because they argued i bash high end design . I do not i bash ignorance of those who purchase anything without studying how to install and use it at optimal level BEFORE upgrading again...

thanks to the OP for this very well done video...



"The more money you spend on a system the better it sound"


No, acoustics rule audio, not price tags.