list of speakers

My quest which I started three years ago to find my dream speakers resulted in a lot of lists and comparisons. It occurred to me that I had not seen a comprehensive, free and user-friendly databases of loudspeakers and maybe there should be one.  Maybe others would find it useful (although no one is as OCD with lists as I am :) )

Others - meaning my kind - budget, beginner, not advanced audiophiles like you guys. So it may not mean much to you but still, any feedback would be appreciated. 

speakers (

I know it's amateurish - my design skills suck, the only value in it is the data and possibly the search and comparison features. 

Last but not least, and I won't name names not to exclude anyone, thank you people for helping me to put together this web site, with direct feedback and advice over the years about how to find the ideal gear. Several of you also gave me awesome components for which I will be forever grateful. Thank you fellow members!


@lanx0003 @daviddas @tomic601 I finally added photos and a few more fields. It's a good thing I didn't know how long the photos would take me because I would have then never started :) 

same place...



Outstanding Job!!!


Including the Speaker Photos add a lot of value. This was a terrific idea. I can only imagine the number of hours you have spent to compile this valuable free resource for our members.


I salute you Gabor!


I am bookmarking your website as a handy reference.

thank you @daviddas! You are very kind.

Every time I add another data type it's a great way to QC the existing data
(and of course shows a lot of errors I made, I am so bad at entering data)

Kind of like displaying stuff on a map!