Equalizer in a Hi Fi system

Just curious to hear everyone’s opinions on using an equalizer in a high end hi fi system. Was at work tonight and killing time and came across a Schitt Loki max $1500 Equalizer with some very good reviews. What are some of the pros / Benefits and cons in using one. Just curious. BTW. I’m talking about a top of the line. Hi end equalizer. Mostly to calm some high frequencies and some bad recordings. 

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@tlcocks Do u ever plan to demo the McIntosh MQ112 ? I would really love to hear your opinion on it. For now at least check out the video on u tube done by Fernando at Sky Fi audio. That’s also the place I went to hear it and buy it. 

I do indeed, when Ed at Audible Images gets one in. He said a few months away. If I can find another dealer, I’ll try sooner. I intend to demo MQ112, DEQX and BACCH. Will be after holidays for all though

OMG. Ken in the video uses COOKING analogy to EQ ing like I did pages ago. That’s crazy. I SWEAR I didn’t get that from him!