Digitally recorded vinyl vs streaming

I know this is an hot button for many, but here goes... I like vinyl and have many albums from the 60's, 70's and 80's.  I'm interested in some 80's and 90's albums - like U2, REM, Nirvana,  but I wonder if they will sound any better than streaming since they were probably recored digitally.


too many variables to say whether your streaming is better than your vinyl playback with your digitally sourced vinyl.

---how great is your streaming?

---how great is your vinyl playback?

---do you mostly listen to processed pop music? acoustical jazz? or acoustical classical?

there are fine sounding digitally sourced vinyl pressings. and some really sucky stuff too. some of that 80's and 90's pop vinyl is pretty good.

in my system my best digitally sourced vinyl is somewhat better than my streaming. but my streaming is tip top, and so is my vinyl. and i mostly listen to acoustically sourced recordings.

if you have better quality vinyl playback than your digital then the differences might be greater. of vice versa.

I have a McIntosh tube amp, and a VPI table.  For Streaming I have a Bluesound Vault.  But my question is, on a nice or a very nice system, will vinyl recoreded in the 90's be any better than the streaming since the song was originally recorded digitally before being pressed to vinyl?


It’s very possible that albums from the 90s were recorded to 2" analogue tape. Then transferred to digital for post production; many ADD albums from the 90s.

No matter what the process, there were many good quality albums from that era.

In my experience, where I have both the digital and digitally engineered LP’s to compare, I almost always prefer the LP’s recorded digitally vs the digital file.