$50k - $80k Budget…Opinions please.

Long story short, I sold my beloved 2-channel to reduce family debt. In about a year-ish, I’ll be in a position to rebuild with a hefty budget. I loved my Harbeth + Pass Labs combo. My REL sub died before I really got to integrate it, so opinions wanted there as well. I fully understand the diminishing margin of returns when moving into some arenas, but that’s ok, opinions are strongly encouraged.

I listen to a lot of Miles Davis/Coltrane, Radiohead, Tool, Pearl Jam, Brent Cobb. I’ve often preferred “organic” or neutral, not sure how technical that is.


Kudos to room treatment, I’ve had GIK produce treatments for prior rooms.  Yeah, not sure what all the financial stuff is about…but I’m good, so is my long-term financial outlook.

It took me about 10 years and $40k-$50k of saving, buying, trading, saving, buying, trading and so on to build it.  I certainly will be focused on previously used gear, as I’ve got 0 desire to absorb depreciation.  Though, there are some pieces that rarely come up for sale, and I’ll be in a position to purchase them if it tickles my fancy…but may not be anyplace convenient to demo.  Just seeing if those combos suss out in this thread.

The room is approximately 35 by 15.  The prior owner had been using it as a wood shop.  It sits off the back of our garage, and I’ll be readdressing with rock wool, Green Glue, and tracking/decoupling system for the ceiling.  I’ll have a direct 20 amp ran, it’s a short run from the breaker…maybe 10 feet.  

Again…thank you all for the responses.  

if i were you i will try buy field coil speaker ,, just search it at diyaudio ,, it seem make nice sound from it  ,,, i believe at last it can beat any speaker made before 1970

@toddcowles Good move on the 20amp line, I was shocked how big of a difference adding that to my system made. Good power is never a bad foundation to build around and costs way less than most any components.

Take your time.  Pick speakers first.  Get what you like.  Look at Sonus Faber, B&W 

Magico, Rockport, Vinberg (some great reviews) 

I recently started the upgrade path and went with Sonus Faber found a fantastic Demo pair.   I have an Anthem P5 and it still sounds great much better than people give it credit. 


Then decide on your source or sources.   I'd recommend to look at a really good 

Integrated especially if theater bypass is something you might want to do in the future.

Im looking at Boulder amp 866 and Gryphon Diablo 300 

Both have very good DAC streamers.   Simaudio Moon also makes great gear. 


Have fun.  






@toddcowles Consider running 3 dedicated 20 amp lines. 2 for mono's/subs on each side and 1 for your sources and other rack gear. With this large of a room, you may even consider doing a couple more around the room if a 2 channel/theatre combo is of any potential interest in the future. Seems overkill now, but just wait..I don't think there is a better ROI on any investment in this hobby than clean, dedicated power.