What next? Part Two

I want to thank everyone who responded to my post "what next?" concerning my need for a new system in the problematic listening room in my new home.  I learned a lot.  One recommendation was to get Jim Smith's book, "Get Better Sound".  I read the book and had a very interesting conversation with Mr. Smith.

I have ordered two Omega Super Alnico monitors from Louis at Omega (concentric drivers, no crossovers).  I think they will work well for near field listening.  Speakers will be about four feet from the front wall, three feet from side walls, 5 or 6 feet apart, 6 or 7 feet from my head, and at ear level.  Now I'm asking for your advice concerning components.

I want to explore a variety of music using Tidal and Roon.  I also want to continue to use my turntable with mm cartridge.  I do have a PS Audio DAC with Cullen modifications, which I will use if I need it and sell if I don't.

I have been trying to get up to speed on amps and pre-amps and integrated amps. A lot has changed since the last time I bought equipment (15 t0 20 years ago).  The room is about 12x15 and the Omegas are very efficient, so I won't need much power.  

I have used tubes in the past and I like the sound, but I'm not committed to using them now.  I have also preferred the sound of class A, but an A/B would probably also be satisfactory and might well be operating in class A most of the time.  

I have also ordered two active subs from Omega and will need to accommodate them in the stereo system.  

I do have a TV in the room, which I don't watch much, but would like to connect by MDMI cable to the new sound system.  I know that the Blusound Node has an HDMI input and many other relevant features and am considering that as a part of the system.

Budget is flexible, but it seems that given the modest power needs of the speakers, there are some relatively inexpensive components that will provide very nice sound. It's really a question of matching everything up.

So - how would you complete this system?  




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The thing is, I can’t audition any of this stuff at a store near me.  And I have been out of the market for good sound for so long that I don’t know first hand what any of them sound like.  Which makes me lean toward separates so that I can replace them if necessary with one at a time.   One combination would be Blusound node, Schiit pre-amp, Schiit amp.  They are so inexpensive new that I would probably get them that way.  And I already have a pretty good DAC.  But if there is a better combination, new or used, within the above price range, I would be interested in learning about it. And, since the speakers won’t be ready for about two months, I’ve got some time to learn.  


Use one of the many audio dealers online that have return policies:

A) Get a CD player with a built in streaming app with a digital output for your DAC.

B) Get an integrated amp to connect your DAC too. Since you have a PS Audio dac maybe the PS Audio Sprout would be a good match.

Ask Louis at Omega for amp recommendations.

I would recommend a trip to a big city. I used to do the 100 - 200 mile trips to a city. Set up some time at an couple audio stores over Saturday… or take my partner and spend the weekend. The difference in sound can be huge. It isn’t just better… there are families of sound… like natural / musical versus detailed and analytical. It is best your ears / heart pull you in a direction. The stuff that you are emotionally drawn to.


Schiit is really good budget stuff… no question. I recommend it all the time. But it is so useful to have something in mind… like, “I want it to sound like that”. Maybe “that” is a $500K system, but that is OK. When you know what “kind” of sound you want, then you can get affordable versions of “that sound”.


Return privileges don’t help unless you know exactly what you want. It will fall into the category of sounds fine. But unless you hear dozens of systems, how do you know.


I have heard at least a dozen $250K+ systems. I liked them all… but only one or two were what I wanted. All great. 

That sounds like very knowledgeable advice.  I’ll see what I can find.  I’m near Sacramento and about two hours from San Francisco.  Any recommendations?