Only two tracks to test your system, forever!

If you could only use two tracks/songs for the rest of your life whenever you wanted to test a change to your system, what would they be?


Yes tough to come up with only 2. I have been around many live acoustic non amplified drum sets. This recording gets pretty close to that. IMHO. Electric Bass is very nice also. Any track. I am sure will find a favorite. Craig Pilo  Just Play.    Now, do you want test your full range speakers?  Pete Belasco Deeper   Deeper.  careful, if your speakers can do it, your neighbors will let you know.  the low notes are hitting about 25 hz ish.   Whole album is very clean sounding.   


chocaholic and richdirector: Was curious about the Hippo, so listened to it. Seems intriguing. How low does that bass play (in Hz). 

Now need to find myself a decent download of the tune (only listened on computer). 

Updated: ordered CD

Two songs I always use to test new equipment…

Melody Gardot - if you love me

Big Thief - change 

Over My Head - Fleetwood Mac

Sunshine on my Shoulder (or Annie's Song) - John Denver


Hotel California was a bit of a surprise to me as well.  Not a pleasant surprise either.