IC cable to address RF coming from nearby FM station


I'm looking for a good interconnect (balanced)  cable to try to suppress RF coming from a radio station a mile away. I've read herein that Canare Stargard makes such a cable, but I haven't been able to find a retail outlet for the Canare brand.

Thanks, Phil


That RF is a problem that a single cable won't fix. I would start a new thread and ask, how to reduce RF, it is a big can of worms.

That's a good thought.

@converge  Did you troubleshoot the problem to be the cable? If not, it could be a component, any other cable, power supply.

Check posts from @spatialking-

In reading about one of his experiences with a neighbor who had some massive amateur radio setup near his place he had to seek out a heavily shielded cable- just don’t remember which type or brand.


Thanks to all for your insights and recommendations. I opted for the Canare Stargard because it's designed to address RF issues and it's  inexpensive.  My IC cable is 18 feet long. 

But I'd have to admit that I have not done a thorough job of troubleshooting the internal source of the RF.  I can modulate the strength of the signal by grasping the tonearm cables at various locations along their length. Closer to the tonearm itself  will amplify the signal; farther away from the body of the tonearm will suppress the RF. The tonearm is acting as an antenna.

Thanks again, Phil