What is Your End Game System?

How do you "measure" your end game system? Is it by budget, how much it cost? Is it by the luxuriousness of your build and room?

Is it by your components being either state of the art or unobtanium? Is it by the satisfaction you get when you are sitting in your listening chair?

What is your end game system and how do you know when you have reached it?


Endgame system would consist of:

Speakers: Von Schweikert

Digital: Esoteric

Amps: Lamm or Esoteric

Preamp: Lamm or Esoteric

I'd be happy with the above. 

I have my endgame system now through much trial and error and just dumb luck!  
The synergy of the components is amazing.  Not the most expensive system, but the parts all fit together perfectly.

@kota1 --

How do you "measure" your end game system? Is it by budget, how much it cost? Is it by the luxuriousness of your build and room?

Is it by your components being either state of the art or unobtanium? Is it by the satisfaction you get when you are sitting in your listening chair?

As a way of approaching my setup development and current status, the latter only - the rest follows by necessity from that in whatever form it might take or is allowed to. That is, imposed budget constraints (that most must abide by to varying degrees) in some measure dictates the eventual expenditure, yes, but I have assembled my setup over years with an open mind and more with regard to implementation/sense of context/forest for the trees than a slavish "what’s more expensive is necessarily better"-stance, and with a product "bandwidth" spanning from high-end segment gear to pro ditto and DIY. Part of my gear (DAC/preamp and Belles amp) is remnants in a sense from earlier systems with a different approach that has now branched into a more physically all-out, fully active and subs-augmented system. Some of what I have now could’ve been even more "all-out" if budget had permitted at the time (like 21" beast B&C driver-loaded tapped horns and Vitavox midbass + multicell horns), but the essentials of it would’ve been more or less comparable to what I currently have.

What is your end game system and how do you know when you have reached it?

What comes from hereon (pretty much what’s outlined in parenthesis above, or certainly a variety thereof) in its essential nature will mimic what I have now, which is to (crudely) say a fully active-as-separates approach, dynamically uninhibited/headroom galore, fully or hybrid horn-loaded and therefore high efficiency, prodigious displacement and digital source only. It’s not that I don’t care for an analogue source, on the contrary, but simply that it’s a prioritization with digital only and the efforts invested here, which is also a better suit with my overall design philosophy.

It would be a further refinement of what I have now, if only with certain aspects of the sound, but very much in the same "spirit" or ballpark. Actually knowing one’s heading to get there by already being there in a sense, is a relief; the framework is in place, now awaits the final touches.

@rvpiano , can you post your system in your profile? Like to check it out, Thanjs