Diffuser panel design - overrated?

Often wondered about all the variations you see on diffuser panels. The interlaced cut squares.  Some companies offer mathematically and scientifically designed panels that are supposed to perform extremely well. By Specifically dealing with all those individual frequencies with carefully measured elevations within the cut squares. How the heck do they do this given all the harmonics that are involved.

I mean it's just pressure amplitudes going across the room and instead of being reflected off of a flat surface they get scattered when they hit an irregular surface.  And this provides improved clarity because it reduces the intensity of reverberations.  Very similar to water being scattered when it hits underwater irregularities versus a flat wall.

So just by rearranging your bookshelf to create an uneven surface area, isn’t this achieving the same thing.  It's not rocket science.



Anthony Grimani states you have two types of diffusors, 2D and 3D. He stated to use the 2D diffusors in the front half of the room and 3D diffusors in the back half. The 2D diffusors have to be deep enough to impact certain frequencies so a book case wouldn’t cut it. You can check out Auralex Metrofusors for 2D. 3D diffusors by Auralex include the Geofusor, the the Tfusor and the Hemisphere. The Tfusor and Geofusor can also be filled with polyfil or rockwool if you also want to give them some absorption capability. I used Auralex Sustain series diffusors in my setup that are made from bamboo but were discontinued. You can check Anthony’s brand, Sonitus: I really like this video:



Thank you for the video link. Immediately note that this is a one plus hour video. No doubt lots of valuable info here in.

If these audio guys want to improve their flow rate of product they need to become more concise. My gosh spending an hour listening to a meandering Journey through the world of diffusion add absorption looks very exciting.

I’ll give it some time

I recently purchased a pair of diffuser panels, quite cheap (they are made out of hardened polystyrene foam) to serve as OPTICAL background behind my midrange and high frequency horns (I think diffusers look cool). The way they are positioned I was really not expecting ANY effect, but it turns out those two weirdly placed diffusers improved the sound of the room A LOT. So yeah, I would say professional diffuser panels are well worth trying and most likely way more efficient than a bookshelf with random book depths ;-)

Are these backfiring speakers? The speakers I use our front facing with no ports in the back, so with these be a good thing for diffusers in the back of the speaker?

So my encyclopedia Britannica Collection has got to go?