Speakers for low power tube amplifier

I´m loocking for speakers for my Silvaweld tube monoblocks (22W with 300B in push pull configuration).
Up to the moment I used two bookshelf monitors with great results (Reference 3a De Capo i and Merlin TSM-MXr) but I want to move to floorstanding speakers. They must be easy (8 ohms) to drive with more than 90db sens.
Some contenders are:
Verity Audio Finn
Reference 3a Episode or the discontinued L´Integrale Noveau
Living Voice IBX-R2
Lawrence Violin (they are not floorstand but has excellent bass response)
I will apreciate your opinion and recomendations.
I am putting another vote for Audiokinesis- that is if you want bass along with easy-to-drive. They are highly detailed and very easy to listen to.

If the room is very large you will want to consider horns- that is about the only way you can get 22 watts to work in larger rooms.
High End audio offers so many enticing possibilities.I`m enthralled with my speakers but I`d love to hear the Horning,Ocellia and Audiokinesis with my amp just for pure curiosity. They`re all different approaches with very good reputations.
I hear Casta Acoustics has some pretty incredible sound. Check E'm out.

Regards Bacardi