Tidal holiday trial offer

I didn't see anyone mention this anywhere so just thought I'd pass it along to anyone interested -- 3 months of HiFi Plus for $2.

Holiday 2021 | TIDAL

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@soix  - My subscription is billed through Best Buy, not Tidal. I had heard bad stories about issues with cancelling via Tidal, so I was happy to see the Best Buy deal was direct with Best Buy. I also read reviews that said cancelling through Best Buy was not an issue.

We'll see....

Thanks for the "heads-up" to everyone considering Tidal.


I agree with everything you said.  I've only had my streamer for about 6-months and it is MQA ready.  I took a trial subscription to Qobuz due to the many recommendations here and subsequently bought a lifetime subscription to Roon.  However, I've been curious about MQA and read many comments disparaging it and a few comments from users that were okay with it.  I saw the holiday special and figured I would hear for myself.  It didn't take long to decide that it was not for me.  In my system, it's clear that there is an audible bass boost which I don't need or want.  The music catalog does appear to be larger though.  

BTW, I received e-mail from Best Buy that my subscription would auto-renew on Jan.12, 2022. There were instructions to go to my profile page to cancel the auto-renewal. I went to my Best Buy profile page and clicked on "cancel subscription". Easy Peasy...

For anyone interested in trying Tidal, I highly suggest you go through the Best Buy discounted 1-year pre-paid subscription, especially when it is 50% off. The service is the same as if you purchased directly through Tidal and the cancellation was super easy.