Chirp in speak

I think I got cricket in Wilson my Alexx. I have set Alexx in pool house and I out there try to listen while wife and sister swim and I hear cricket in speaker. Maybe get in through port but it not driver and still chirp when no power to speak. I love listen critical but chirp no go. I try put on gangster rap and pop to try shake it death but cricket tough little bugger. Any idea no shop vac and rather not take apart. Any music cricket no like? Even try Adele and still stay.


My maid over last night and we take a look together behind the Wilson. She point out that Odin cable make little ramp up to port and that how cricket get in. We turn cable so now cricket will need be expert on tightrope like wife to find way in. Maid also friend with girl that work at university librarian that study biology. They going to stop by after run today to check in cricket solution.

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Is your pool house and contents insured for things like fire and theft?

Thank for concern all insure. I beyond thank for all advice and try all song above and even try play opera to scare it out but cricket still in. When I have opera going at about 110db my neighbor tennis ladies come over to make sure everything ok. We end up having some lovely time in steam room together and do some deep massage to relax but I good audiophile and not break focus of cricket even with little tennis dress around. I just have diamond ear. This audio becoming my main focus thank to this site. Any other suggestion for music? I even try put pile of stone around to make better habitat but not come out but I think bass got better with pile of rock behind speaker.