What's up with Vinnie Rossi L2i SE?

A lot of them (particularly given how few units were manufactured) are popping up on the used market at a significant discount.  I was told he's discontinued them and his new lines will start at $30k and up.
Ag insider logo xs@2xjjgasp
Yes the Vinnie Rossi "Brama" line has launched today. I am not sure at this point if I like the looks of the new models.

I am very happy with my Vinnie Rossi L2iSE integrated, plus you get to look at the 300b tubes glowing.

Is the new Brama worth the $20,000 upgrade, time will tell.....

 I may upgrade my Linn Klimax DSM digital streamer first, to the new Linn Organic dac, which is suppose to be sublime sounding.
My present Klimax DSM Katylist dac is quite exceptional sounding now since I added an Uptone Audio EtherRegen network switch connected with an external After Dark clock.

I like my system now! Sometimes its good to leave things alone when you get that synergy with your system......

I'll have to audition the Brama line when my dealer gets one in though!

No one has seen it. Only pics.  No units produced per dealer.
not avail for awhile.

It should be availlable, begining of January ( Canada )
My dealer told me he had an audition yesterday ( November 3 ) at
the distributer location  ( Canada )

I have been told that rolling tubes is no problem
Looking at the pics , I do not know how.