Comments on the Olive Opus CD Player

Olive recently announced the Opus as a High-end CD player that stores 1,100 CDs in lossless quality. Has anyone that purchased the Olive Opus have any comments on the unit’s sound quality? How long does it take to store your CD’s? Does it require an internet connection like the McIntosh MS300 Music server? Your comments on the Olive Opus are requested. Thanks..
My Opus is on the way...scheduled to deliver on Monday. As I develop my opinions, I will post them.
That audiocircle thread is wild! The main gist seems to be that OPUS digital out is less than top-notch for some reason, but that the internal DAC sounds very good. If I understand it correctly... (the lower-end Musica and Symphony units have fine digital out, it appears).

I have a Musica and like it. My intention is to eventually use it with an external DAC. That's an option worth considering if you can live with the smaller hard drive -- it's much less expensive, and the extra money can go towards a good DAC.
YEs Musica is the way to go.
I am the one who started that thread on the circle.

Based on my research so far, I am going to keep my MCD205 CD Player and forget the Olive Opus or the McIntosh MS300 Music Server. The music server concept is very interesting but I have too many technical issues connecting a music server to my Router that I do not want to deal with. I am not convinced that the extra money spent for either unit is worth it. Playing one CD at a time works for me and my McIntosh MCD205 sounds great. Thanks again for all your help.