Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
I just completed reading this thread, thank you all for your contribution not only on the Elrog's but other tubes.Anyone care to comment on the latest 300B chifi tubes available? Psvane, Shuguang and such? they have the Psvane Cossor, Shuguang has the 300B-Z but one labeled 50 years treasures.I'm just curious to hear the opinions.Apparently Elrog is running smooth.Any opinions on good 45's aside of the EML?
I picked up a LM 845P to play with , I tried TAK 300B and EML 300B XLS and myself perfer the 
XLS in my system . 

I am currently using WE 300B (from current production) and like it so far. However, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like other tubes more (if they are better :)). 


Are there any more/new experiences/opinions regarding the Elrog 300B or the Takatsuki 300B tubes? 


What would I gain if I switched to one of those two tubes?


My amp is the ANK 300B Kit1 15. https://ankaudiokits.com/product/kit1-15-300b-integrated-amplifier/


It's said to be a "classical" 300B amp. So which of those three tubes would be your choice in this case? :) WE? Elrog? Takatsuki? What to expect in comparison to my current WE 300B?