Recommended female vocalists?

Looking for female vocalists w/ ultra soothing voices - something that could relax me at the end of a hard day.

To give a bit of reference my favorites are:

Sarah McLaughlin - Surfacing: I Love You, Do What You Have To Do, Angel, Full of Grace. Fumbling Towards Ecstacy: Wait, Good Enough, Elsewhere, Ice, Hold On, Ice Cream, Fear.


Tori Amos
Entire Little Earthquakes album. Some of her other music tends to get on my nerves a bit, though.

I'm sure I'm missing out on a ton of artists. Who else do I need to check out? If it's not too much trouble please give specific albums and songs.

Thanks in advance.

HEAVENLY VOICES a collection of the finest female vocals in ethereal, darkwave and gothic (CLEOPATRA CLP 0198-2). DARK TREASURES a gothic tribute to the Cocteau Twins (CLEOPACTRA CLP 0925-2). SEIREENIA another compilation (PROJEKT 94). Others include Switchblade Symphony, Lycia, Mira.
You might want to add Laura Nyro to the list (live 2-cd set - very well recorded).
You might try "Send in the Clowns" Sarah Vaughn with The Count Basie Orchestra. A mature Vaughn that still exibits her incredible range with a performance that will just melt your heart, especially the title song, highly recommended.
The xrcd version of Ella and Joe Pass, titled "Take Love Easy" is a must. You might also want to try some Tuck and Patti discs (Tuck Andress and Patti Cathcart), another great vocal/guitar duo. You might have to skip some of the more upbeat cuts, but songs like "Lets Bring Heaven Down Here" are incredible.