Good Budget CD and integrated????

Hi Everyone. I have recetly saved a friend from buying a bose stereo and he is now looking for a budget integrated amp and a cd player. He will be using them to power Paradigm studio bookshelves. A Small active sub will also be added to round out the bottom end. Mostly classical music.
Any good ideas?
Budget is around $1000-1500us and new or used does not matter. Due to his price range, I would like to get used gear for the best "bag for his buck".

I think, for new stuff, we will start looking at cambridge audio....I am not really sure, and hence I put the Question to you.
Check out integrateds from Creek, Rega or Roksan and mathcing CD players... great British HiFi values that might fit your ticket.
Alternatively, you could also check out Linn Classik, an itegrated CD, Tuner and amp that has received very good reviews.
NAD L73 DVD. I have a NAD 4155 Tuner that is more than 20 years old and I listen to it almost daily. Some people complain about reliabilty issues, ergo...caveat emptor. Also, Arcam has an integrated product you may find interesting. It is called the "Solo."

Cheers + good luck.