Do different streamers really sound different when using an external DAC

Maybe this has been posted before but it seems that often when a post is made where someone has gotten better sound it’s because it was the streamer with included DAC that was changed, not just the streamer. No doubt a better internal DAC,  better file resolution, a better music service, will make a difference.

But I just want to see comparison of streamer to streamer with the same DAC implementation. I am currently using a Bluesound Node2i outputting via Coax into a high quality tube DAC
So here’s the million dollar question.

What have been your experiences in upgrading streamers, keeping everything else the same ie, DAC, cables, output type (Coax)? No doubt better control apps and having a display will elevate your experience but how about just sound quality. Anyone?


I have a Node 2i going to a Chord Qutest with a Teddy Pardo LPS.
have been pondering an “upgrade” to the streamer/“transport”.

I have read much of a comparison between Lumin U1 Mini and Node 2i. In the end, from at least what I have read here and elsewhere, the difference and increase in SQ may come from the Lumin connected via Ethernet and not WiFi.

so, I wonder if connecting Node via Ethernet will do the trick.
I already bought an audioquest PC for it but can’t say that I really heard a difference. It was just a $75 purchase anyway.

what I have NOT heard of is any review or opinion that shows A to B, apples to apples, that a n alternative to the node is actually better . Assuming DAC is the same. 
I wonder if the hard wiring benefit is for homes with a poor wifi ? My home has very good wifi and I never get dropouts.

It would be great to get some input from Node 2i users who have directly compared wifi to ethernet hard wire without any other changes to cloud the comparison.

For me to easily implement wired ethernet would require a long and unsightly ethernet cable run and from what I read ethernet cables can create their own problems. Additionally, some streamer manufacturers claim that wifi sounds better than ethernet because of their proper implementation of the wifi section of their streamers.

In the meantime, I have put a few Hi Rez files on a USB flash drive that I will hook up to the USB input of the node 2i and compare it to the same files via WiFi. If it is an improvement over the wifi I may be shopping for an external SSD drive; they are quite reasonable in price these days.
I bought an auralic Aries g2 last year, fully planning to return it when I proved to myself that it would not improve on my Sonos connect to my metrum pavane. Much to my surprise it was a very nicely improved sound, with noticeable improvements in detail and still very musical. Both were wired to the Ethernet in my home. I also was using a w4s reclocker with the connect, which did help it, but was not needed with the auralic. So of course I kept the auralic. I later took auralic’s advice and compared the wireless connection to the Ethernet connection and yes as they recommend, it is slightly better again connected wirelessly, counterintuitive as the is.
I suggest you do as I did and just buy a similar product and return it if you don’t hear an improvement.
I've been using the Node2 for about 3 years now through various developments in my system which now consists of;

Ethernet>EtherRegen>Node2>Custom SPDIF Coax>Schiit GungnirMB>Audioquest Mackenzie XLR>Luxman 507uxII>Klipsch Forte3.

I have upgraded cables throughout - mostly Wireworld mid tier.  I can say that each upgrade has made the Node2 sound better and the most recent addition of the EtherRegen has been the most significant.  Lower noise floor and more musical - just better all around.  That said, aside from changing the PSU and adding an external linear supply I've squeezed everything I can out of the Node2 for digital streaming.  I don't use any power conditioners so maybe that could reduce some noise and be the last drop if juice but i'm not ready to spend big money on power conditioners yet.

I recently visited a local hifi shop to listen the U1 mini which they had setup with the Chord Dave doing the DAC duties.  They also hooked up the Node2i with the Chord Dave for direct comparison.  It did not take long to hear the difference between the U1 Mini and Node2i streaming to the same same system.  Deeper bass, wider soundstage and just a cleaner, clearer sound overall.  A definite upgrade.  I also had the opportunity to listen to the U1, T2 and X1 which were in different systems/rooms so it was very hard to know how much of an upgrade over the U1 mini but they all sounded fantastic.

It's clear to me that streamers have a considerable impact on the sound of the digital stream.  In addition the reduction of jitter/noise by the addition of EtherRegen is real.  

I think i'll start saving my pennies for U1.  It's a big nut but I think it will be worth it.  I think it could be the most significant upgrade next to speaker and power.  You gotta start with the best source possible right?

One problem, I love my Node2.  This thing works.  No fuss, Tidal connect, custom radio streams, no dropouts - it has been rock solid.  And, it sounds good!!  Like really good.  If someone came to my house and we put on some tunes they would never know the difference.  The problem is, once you hear what is possible it's hard to go back.  I'll always have that comparison in the back of my mind.  But that's a $500 plastic box vs $7K dedicated streamer!!

This hobby sucks....