Best Integrated Amp for B&W 602 s2 +/-$500 used

Fresh on the heels of a successful query regarding speakers for my Creek 4330r (went with the obvious - a clean pair of Epos ES11's) I return seeking advice on what to power my now-idle B&W dm-602 s2's. They have previously been connected to the aforementioned 4330r (40 watts x 2) as well as a new Onkyo TX-8050 (85 watts x 2) networking 2-channel receiver. The problem with each hook-up is that the overall sound was rather congested in the mid's and loosey-goosey-boomy in the lower regions with sometimes lovely highs but not what I'd call open or airy. I like, or rather want to like, the 602's so I'm looking for what integrated amp would make these things sing ($500 +/-). I'll use them for itunes streaming (via Airport Express) and the occasional TV & movies (moving the Creek/Epos into the fun room for vinyl, etc). Using Canare 4s6 Star Quad speaker cable and Chord Cobra 3 ic's with the 602's perched atop quality, mass-filed stands. Any thoughts? Thanks,
I've never heard anything better than the Audio Refinement Complete in that price range.
Good Luck
It looks like this may be my next amp as it looks like it has subwoofer out rca. I own the Onkyo 9555a now. Has anyone compared the two amps? I would think their sonic signature would be close.